About - 

Kerri-Anne Morris is a Hertfordshire based artist and photographer.

Over the past few months, I have been more interested in making my practice more sustainable, especially after researching more around the topic for my dissertation while at university. At this point I had participated in workshops with cyanotypes and salt printing as well as using pinhole cameras but at the time only saw their creative benefits. Now I am exploring other alternative processes including Lumen Printing, Anthotypes and Chlorophyll prints, I see the benefits that alternative processes can have on reducing environmental impacts within photographic practices. This also includes experimenting with alternative ways of developing film, such as I have included, working with a Caffonol developer partnered with the Zone Ecofix fixer. I know that there are more environmentally friendly alternatives out there but I feel that this is a good starting point for those looking to convert their practices, such as I am trying to do. Additionally trying to work with nature as much as I can, including using natural forms to create compositions as well as allowing snow to create its own images. While trying to reduce my consumption of materials, by recycling resources that can be turned into canvases for my work.